Equity History of the Company
Date of allotment Number of equity shares allotted Face value per equity share (Rs.) Issue price per equity share (Rs.) Reasons/ Nature of Consideration (Cash / Other than cash / Bonus)
December 8, 1984 5420 100 100 Cash
May 24, 1985 4320 100 100 Cash
March 24, 1992 9740 100 100 Bonus
Pursuant to a resolution of our shareholders dated February 10, 1993, each equity share of our Company of the face value of Rs. 100 each was split into 10 Equity Shares of our Company of the face value of Rs. 10 each, and accordingly, 9,740 equity shares of our Company of the face value of Rs. 100 each were split into 97,400 Equity Shares of the face value of Rs. 10 each.
March 27, 1993 58440 10 10 Bonus
August 12, 1993 292200 10 10 Cash
11080 10 10 Other than cash
33240 10 10 Bonus
October 22, 1993 16620 10 10 Cash
June 14, 1994 1867660 10 45 Cash
May 11, 1996 1409731 10 60 Cash
January 28, 2000 270000 10 217.6 Cash
March 17, 2000 820000 10 217.64 Cash
October 25, 2005(1) -103276 10 - -
April 27, 2012 2248523 10 45 Cash
January 1, 2014 10700 10 95.34 Cash
July 17, 2014 2300 10 95.34 Cash
October 29, 2014 1222472 10 204 Cash
December 17, 2014 2804 10 204 Cash
October 10, 2016 1000 10 375.98 Cash
April 24, 2018 1675000 10 740 Cash
April 30, 2018 -4590608 10 - Pursuant to the Scheme of Merger
6861243 10 - Other than cash (pursuant to the Scheme of Merger)
Total 12829889      

(1) 103,276 Equity Shares were forfeited for failure to pay the calls on the Equity Shares.


Dividend History for last 10 years
Year Ended Interim % Final % Total %
2024 - 140 140
2023 - 100 100
2022 - 50 50
2021 20 30 50
2020 - 20 20
2019 - 12 12
2018 - - -
2017 - - -
2016 - 20 20
2015 - 15 15